
Friday, 11 April 2014

Should have gave the ring to Sam.

I thought I would share the current book sitting on my night stand! 
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

Author, J.R.R. Tolkien 

Map of Middle Earth 

I am such a nerd when it comes to Lord of the Rings but I had never read the books! I feel ashamed! I've owned all the books since I was young, but they have sat on my bookshelf, unloved!  So, last month after I finished Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, I decided it was about god damn time I got lost in Middle Earth!
Now, I have seen the LOTR trilogy roughly 100 times! So, while reading I am constantly comparing and relating to the movie. Which honestly is not the best way to read a book, it gets distracting. I really, really wish I read them earlier, but 'you win some, you lose some'.
So far the book is a little wordy, but easy enough of a read, I mean it is aimed at a younger audience after all.  In the movies, I always found Frodo to be a bit of a pansy (that just might have something to do with Elijah Woods creepy little smile) so I am curious to see if the book changes my opinion.  But I'll let you know when I finish the books if my statement still stands. 
Should have gave the ring to Sam. 

Now it's your turn, go get lost in a book!

Jennie Marie.

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